u r b a n   l i f e   1 6

atelierhaus B71 | offenbach

i m p r e s s i o n s

a r t   w o r k  | c i t y s c a p e s

ny skyline | 80 x 80 cm

ny traffic | 50 x 50 cm

blacklist | 50 x 50 cm | acrylic and collage on cardboard

city light | acrylic and collage on cardboard | 60 x 60 cm

yellow board | acrylic and collage on cardboard | 60 x 60 cm

tobin bridge | acrylic and collage on cardboard | 60 x 60 cm

ny watertanks | 50 x 50 cm

central parc | acrylic on handmade natural paper | 63 x 93 cm

one way | 50 x 50 cm

gildet cages | acrylic on handmade natural paper | 63 x 93 cm

underground | metal wire and handmade natural paper

skysraper | metal wire and plastic straws


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